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College Board

Title Approved on Purpose
Academic Freedom Monday, 3 October, 2022

To clarify the rights and responsibilities that faculth have regarding academic freedom.

Anti-Bullying & Occupational Violence Policy Monday, 12 February, 2024

This policy is designed to ensure that all employees understand what will be regarded as bullying and occupational violence, how complaints can be made and how claims will be treated by MST.

Child Protection Policy & Code of Conduct Thursday, 29 June, 2023

The purpose of this Policy is to guide the Melbourne School of Theology (MST) in developing a child protective culture and in establishing and maintaining child-safe environments for the children who are part of the College education and faith community.

Commercial Transactions Policy Monday, 29 April, 2024

This policy is intended to give guidance to the operations personnel of the College, to ensure integrity in all its commercial transactions as they relate to service agreements, banking (including cash handling), inventory control, asset purchases and contractual obligations. This policy is read in conjunction with the Financial Policy and Procedure Manual.

Computer Policy Wednesday, 16 October, 2024

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the allocation and use of computers for staff within the College.

Credit Card Use Policy Monday, 14 November, 2022

The purpose of this Credit Card Policy is to ensure that credit cards are issued and used appropriately for business-related expenses of both the Melbourne School of Theology and Eastern College Australia (the Colleges), and that all expenses incurred are properly approved and acquitted.

Critical Incident Policy Friday, 16 June, 2023
The purpose of this Critical Incident Policy (CIP) is to provide a detailed plan of how Melbourne School of Theology will prepare and respond to critical incidents and emergency situations. 
Cyber Security Policy Tuesday, 29 October, 2024

This Cyber Security Policy has the following purposes:

  • Protect the operational integrity and availability of the College’s normal operations facilitated by its personnel and IT resources;
  • Protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information managed and retained by the College;
  • Protect against external intrusion, denial of service, ransomware, and all other malicious breaches of the College’s IT environment, whether internal or external in origin;
  • Ensure all personnel are aware of potential cyber risks and are trained to detect, respond and recover from cyber events;
  • Prevent unauthorised and unapproved IT activity of any type within the College’s IT environment;
  • Govern IT practices to ensure cyber security is a normal and expected part of the way the College operates internally, and with its students, staff and external stakeholders;
  • Manage and recover from any adverse cyber incident in the most effective and efficient manner to restore normal operations as quickly as possible;

Continually review and improve cyber security as the College’s IT environment and the real-world cyber security environment evolve.

Data Breach Policy Friday, 23 August, 2024

This Policy sets out the processes to be followed by Melbourne School of Theology (MST) staff if the College experiences a data breach or suspects that a data breach has occurred.

This Policy should be read in conjunction with the College’s Privacy Policy

Executive Principal Succession Policy Thursday, 9 November, 2023

To outline the process Melbourne School of Theology (MST) will adopt in the event of an unexpected absence (an emergency succession) or planned departure (departure defined succession) of the Executive Principal (EP).

Financial Controls Policy Monday, 28 November, 2022

All finance transactions as noted in this policy are to be authorised by the noted authorised person prior to the transaction being undertaken.
This policy is to be read in conjunction with other specific finance policies where relevant.

Grievance Resolution Policy - Students Friday, 7 August, 2020

MST is committed to ensuring that domestic students who have a concern about any Academic or non-academic aspect of our education operations have ready access to fair, just and effective grievance processes.

Leave Policy Thursday, 9 November, 2023

To outline staff leave entitlements and arrangements.

Mental Health Strategy and Implementation Plan Thursday, 24 February, 2022

Melbourne School of Theology acknowledges that good mental health is important to students' academic success as well as to their general well-being – as it also is for our faculty and staff. With this in mind, the Melbourne School of Theology has developed a Strategy to provide a sustainable approach to mental health promotion, protection and intervention for all College students and employees.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy Sunday, 1 October, 2023

This policy sets out the guiding principles to ensure the highest level of health, safety and wellbeing for staff, students and visitors.

Policy on Policy Development Thursday, 4 December, 2014

The Policy on Policy Development establishes a framework for creating and maintaining the College’s policies.

Risk Management Policy Monday, 17 February, 2025

This manual outlines the policies that form the basis of the College’s Risk Management Plan and covers all activities within the College and its operations and entities, as well as defining the College’s risk management objectives, framework, roles, responsibilities, communication, and process.

Sexual Harassment and Intimidation Policy Friday, 7 August, 2020

To set out MST's position on sexual harassment and procedures for dealing with sexual harassment.

Staff Study Discount Policy Monday, 18 March, 2024

This policy outlines the conditions and principles that apply to Staff Study Discount for College staff, board members and their immediate families (spouses and children).

Wages and Salary Policy Friday, 2 August, 2024

This policy outlines the basis and conditions that Melbourne School of Theology apply to Staff Wages and Salaries.

Whistle-blower Policy Friday, 7 August, 2020

Melbourne School of Theology is committed to achieving its business objectives while minimising the impact of significant risks that Melbourne School of Theology can meaningfully and realistically control; protecting and enhancing its reputation; and behaving as a responsible and ethical corporate citizen. As such, the College recognises the value of transparency and accountability in its administrative and management practices and supports the making of disclosures that reveal corrupt conduct, conduct involving a substantial mismanagement of resources, or that which involves substantial risk to public health and safety or the environment. It is policy at Melbourne School of Theology that the Board of Directors, all staff, volunteers, contractors, consultants, and members of the College community shall be free to report concerns without fear of retaliation. They may wish to report activity occurring in College operations that they believe in good faith to be illegal, dishonest, unethical, fraudulent, or not in compliance with College policy.

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