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Wages and Salary Policy


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Mon, 02 August 2027

This policy outlines the basis and conditions that Melbourne School of Theology apply to Staff Wages and Salaries.

Approved on: 02 Aug 2024
Review cycle: 3 Years
Owned by

Chief Operations Officer

Approved by

College Board

Policy Contact: 
Chief Operations Officer

This policy applies to all College employees.


Melbourne School of Theology (MST) recognises the importance of employees to the mission of the College. MST provides a total remuneration package that consists of two core elements: salary and conditions. Conditions have a ‘monetary value’ and both the College and employee should consider this value in reviewing remuneration.


This policy outlines the basis and conditions that Melbourne School of Theology apply to Staff Wages and Salaries.


Employee Wages & Salaries

Wages and salary levels are those provided by the Educational Services Post-Secondary Education Award 2020 (“ESPES Award 2020") and the National Employment Standards (“NES 2009” in the Fair Work Act 2009.

Certain staff may be eligible to receive exempt fringe benefits (i.e., benefits which are exempt from fringe benefits tax) as a religious practitioner in accordance with section 57 of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 and subject to Tax Ruling TR2019/3 Fringe benefits tax: benefits provided to religious practitioners.

Pay Levels

Minimum rates for each classification are listed in the Salary Schedule of the ESPES Award 2020 which may be updated periodically. Experience, education, budget, market rate, and internal equity are used to establish the entry rate of pay for new employees.  No employee will be paid at a rate less than the minimum for the applicable position classification.
Actions Which May Change a Current Employee’s Rate of Pay:

Annual pay adjustment: An adjustment to the salary of employees covered by the ESPES Award 2020 as a result of a Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review (this does not require approval by the Governing Board).

Promotion: A promotion occurs when an employee moves to pay scale level with a higher pay grade. In accordance with the ESPES Award 2020, certain faculty and staff are eligible for promotions based on satisfactory performance in the role and agreed to objectives for development.

Interim Appointment (Temporary Upgrade): An acting/interim appointment occurs when an employee assumes most of the job responsibilities of a senior-level position for a specified period – usually a period of at least three months and not in excess of one year. The higher-level position must exist at the time the interim appointment occurs. A contract outlining the acting/interim appointment will be issued to the employee. The contract will outline the nature and expected term of the assignment as well as any change in pay.

An interim appointment (temporary upgrade) is considered when the position is vacant and recruitment for the position is in progress or is expected to be soon. A temporary upgrade or acting/interim appointment is also considered when an employee temporarily vacates a position for one of the following reasons:

  • Approved Parental Leave;
  • Approved Professional Development;
  • Approved Leave Without Pay;
  • Approved leave due to illness/injury not covered by other leave provisions;
  • Special assignment;
  • Other circumstances to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

When the employee returns to the previous position at the end of the interim appointment, the Chief Finance Officer will adjust the employee’s pay status in accordance with the pay scale of the previous position.

Overtime Pay
If non-Academic employees are required to work additional time, they may be eligible for payment of overtime in accordance with the provisions of the ESPES Award 2020.

Payday Arrangements

Employees are generally paid on the last Tuesday of every month. If a payday falls on a holiday, payment may be made on the preceding workday.

Direct deposit of pay is made to accounts in financial institutions nominated by the employee.

Performance Reviews

In accordance with the provisions of the ESPES Award 2020 a performance review will be conducted annually for all staff and will normally be conducted by the relevant supervisor or proxy and will be confidential.
Supervisors will be provided with a Performance Management Review document to be filled out by the supervisor and the employee and handed to HR upon completion.