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Volunteers Policy


Next review
Wed, 17 January 2029

The aim of the Policy is to outline the standards of behaviour, code of conduct and procedures expected of all volunteers at the College.  

Approved on: 17 Jan 2024
Review cycle: 5 Years
Owned by


Approved by

Chief Operations Officer

Policy Contact: 
Human Resources Manager

Volunteers: Workers approved by the College to assist with the College program without remuneration or other financial gain. Such volunteers may be members of the College community and/or wider community, subject to the conditions detailed within this policy.

Remuneration: Refers to payment for goods or services, or reward for employment in the form of pay, salary or wages. It does not include reimbursement of expenses (where appropriate prior approval has been obtained); the giving of moderate gifts of appreciation; the provision of transport, accommodation and food; and or payment of an approved honorarium.

The College: Melbourne School of Theology


Volunteering is a practical expression of the Biblical value of serving others and an important expression of partnership and community within the life of the College. Volunteers serve staff and students practically, and volunteering creates opportunities for individuals to model the values of God’s kingdom. There are many areas within the College where voluntary assistance richly enhances the College and enables the College to provide a quality service.


The aim of the Policy is to outline the standards of behaviour, code of conduct and procedures expected of all volunteers at the College.  


Volunteers shall be regarded by the College as workers and a primary duty of care is therefore owed to them in the same way as for paid staff members. Such duty of care is reflected in government legislation (for example, in relation to occupational health and safety and equal opportunity and discrimination) and in various College policies.

Volunteers shall have a right to:

  • Receive respect, cooperation and support from fellow workers;
  • Receive recognition and feedback from supervising staff members;
  • Be assigned suitable projects, tasks or jobs;
  • Decline to perform tasks that they feel unable to do or would rather not do; and
  • Be provided with sufficient information and instruction to perform their duties adequately and safely.

Volunteers are expected to uphold the same standards of conduct as paid staff members. Volunteers are expected to:

  • Perform their duties to the best of their ability and be accountable for their performance;
  • Follow reasonable instructions given by staff;
  • Comply with lawful directions;
  • Be courteous and responsive in dealing with staff, students and members of the public (if applicable);
  • Work collaboratively with staff and colleagues;
  • Ensure that their conduct is consistent with the ethos of the College and does not damage the reputation of the College;
  • Comply with all College policies, procedures and rules as distributed and/or explained to them; and
  • Undertake any training, orientation or induction as required by the College.

In order for a volunteer to begin volunteering they must fill in the Volunteer Application Form (as attached below) for approval by the Human Resource Manager or their delegate. Human Resources Manager or his / her delegates, reserves the right to refuse a volunteer or to cease using the services of a volunteer. Such action may apply if at any time a volunteer’s actions or presence is deemed to interfere, or to be likely to interfere, with the positive and productive functioning of any aspect of the College.

Confidential Information
Volunteers shall be restricted from access to confidential student and employee information except where unavoidable to comply with legislation or College policies and procedures (for example, where access to student medical details while on camp is necessary). Volunteers shall be responsible for maintaining confidentiality regarding information seen or heard while working as a volunteer.

Volunteers must not disclose or use any confidential information without the express permission of the Executive Principal or Chief Operations Officer.

Duty of Care and Compliance with College Policies
Volunteers are required to cooperate with the College’s efforts to comply with its legal and ethical duties in relation to providing a healthy and safe workplace and learning environment. They are encouraged to take care to prevent injuries to themselves and others, to report work-related illness or injury; to report situations they believe may constitute a risk or danger; and to share information and ideas about risks and how to control them.
Volunteers must abide by these policies when volunteering:

  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy
  • Complaints and Grievance Management Policy
  • Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct
  • Children on Campus
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Sexual Harassment and Intimidation Policy

Volunteers must also abide by the following requirements when volunteering or working with the College:

  • Volunteers are advised to please make sure all personal property is in a safe and secure location while volunteering. The College is not responsible for personal property.
  • The College is a drug-free, smoke-free, alcohol-free, and weapons-free facility. Volunteers must not bring any of these items on site or on campus.
  • Must not represent themselves as an employee or agent of The College. The Executive Principal is designated as MST’s main media contact and spokesperson.
  • Inform the Human Resources Manager if they are charged with or convicted of a serious offence. Volunteers must also report if they become the subject of an Apprehended Violence Order.

Breaches of this Policy

  • Actions that may be taken by the College in respect of a breach of this Policy or any other policy which includes disciplinary actions ranging from a warning to termination of the volunteer role. The College will reserve the right to determine in its entirety the response to any breach of this Policy.

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