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Tuition Fee Refund Policy for Overseas Students


Next review
Sun, 31 August 2025

To outline an MST overseas student's rights to apply for refund of tuition fees of an ACT unit enrolment that has not been successfully completed

Approved on: 04 Aug 2023
Review cycle: AN
Owned by

Chief Operations Officer

Approved by

Chief Operations Officer

Policy Contact: 
Dean of Studies

To outline an MST overseas student's rights to apply for refund of tuition fees of an ACT unit enrolment that has not been successfully completed


This policy applies to overseas students who enrolled in an ACT unit(s) of study and have not successfully completed that unit(s) 


MST is an affiliated college of The Australian College of Theology (ACT). The ACT Refund Policy for Overseas Students applies to MST.

The link to the ACT Refund Policy for Overseas Students can be found here.