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ACT Sexual Assualt and Sexual Harassment Policy


Next review
Sun, 30 November 2025

To outline what behaviours constitute sexual harassment or sexual assault within the Australian College of Theology (ACT) and its Affiliated Colleges and to set out how the ACT will respond to disclosure or reports of incidents of sexual harassment or sexual assault. The policy also provides a framework for providing a safe environment for students and staff in relation to incidents of sexual harassment or sexual...

Approved on: 13 Nov 2023
Review cycle: AN
Owned by

Chief Operations Officer

Approved by

Chief Operations Officer

Policy Contact: 
Chief Operations Officer (COO)

To outline what behaviours constitute sexual harassment or sexual assault within the Australian College of Theology (ACT) and its Affiliated Colleges and to set out how the ACT will respond to disclosure or reports of incidents of sexual harassment or sexual assault. The policy also provides a framework for providing a safe environment for students and staff in relation to incidents of sexual harassment or sexual assault.


1. This Policy and the Procedure apply to all students, staff, officers and volunteers.

2. Any person who believes that a person to whom this Policy applies has engaged in sexual assault or sexual harassment may make a Disclosure under this Policy and the Procedures. Only a person to whom this policy applies who has directly experienced an incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment may make a Formal Report.

3. An Affiliated College may adopt a separate code of conduct (or similar) that describes standards of conduct for behaviour in accordance with the Christian beliefs, values and mission of that Affiliated College. An alleged breach of such a code only falls under the requirements of this Policy where the alleged behaviour constitutes sexual assault or sexual harassment. For the avoidance of doubt, the Bible sets out expectations regarding appropriate contexts for sexual behaviour, such as within marriage, and these expectations may form the basis of requirements under a separate code of conduct.

4. Sexual assault and sexual harassment may occur within marriage as well as other consensual relationships and sexual assault or sexual harassment that occurs in these relationships is within the scope of this Policy.


1. The ACT affirms that all people are created in the image of God with sanctity and dignity (Gen 1:26-28) and therefore respect is due to every person (1 Peter 2:17).

2. The ACT considers both sexual assault and sexual harassment unacceptable forms of behaviour and will not tolerate them under any circumstances.

3. The ACT seeks to provide for its students, staff, officers and volunteers a safe environment that is free of sexual assault and sexual harassment.

4. The ACT does this by using reasonable endeavours, working in conjunction with Affiliated Colleges, including:
• promoting and fostering a safe environment for students at Affiliated Colleges;
• raising awareness about sexual assault and sexual harassment;
• providing a means for disclosing and/or reporting incidents;
• offering support to those subjected to sexual assault and sexual harassment; and
• taking appropriate action in response to confirmed sexual assault and sexual harassment.

5. Students, staff, officers and volunteers are required to maintain standards of behaviour set by

Link to the ACT Sexual Assualt and Sexual Harassment Policy can be found here.